Field trip FAQs
Here are some answers to frequently asked questions. We hope it will help make the field trip experience more enjoyable for you and everyone involved.
Can I bring my dog or other pet?
Please do NOT bring your dog or other pet. Dogs or other pets can scare away the wildlife we are trying to observe. Others may have allergies to your pet. We are also frequently away from our vehicles and pets should not be left unattended in your vehicle.​
Are there any fees for the trip?

Tulare County Audubon does not ​charge any fees to attend a field trip. We provide experienced, friendly guides and the use of spotting scopes. However, every participant is required to provide or purchase their own food & drinks and pay any Park entrance fees, if necessary.
Can I carpool with someone?
We encourage carpooling. It helps our evironment and pairs newer participants with more experienced birders. As a courtesy to your driver, please help pay for gas.
What should I bring on the trip?
Bring family, friends, layers of clothing for any kind of weather, water, a lunch, sunscreen, binoculars, any bird field guides (if you have them), and your enthusiasm.
What is provided on overnight trips?
All participants are responsible for buying their own food, drinks and motel, hotel or camping accomodations.
Are itineraries & bird sightings guaranteed?
Itineraries are subject to change by the trip leaders due to weather, road conditions or other factors. Every effort will be made to adhere to the posted itinerary but changes are at the discretion of the trip leaders. Sightings of specific species of birds cannot be guaranteed.